Dominion Flyer - 10/17-10/23/2019 (Page 4)

multi less than 4 s 1.39 ea & organics biologique organics biologique organics biologique vegetable lentil squash & quinoa courgo muique et quinoa organics biologique spaghetti bolognese spaghetti bolognaise pc organics protein baby food pouches selected varieties legumes et lentilles pc organics baby food pouches selected varieties carrot et carotte more organics for your baby our pc® organics strained baby food pouches are 100% certified to canadian organic standards using sustainable farming methods free of artificial colours and fertilizers organics organics biologique apple and strawberry ble rain pule pomme et fraise oat cereal organics add water banana strawberry pc organics snacks or entrées selected varieties pc organics cereal or oatmeal selected varieties patmeal cereal organics biologique the spaghetti in turkey meat savce spaghetti dans une sauce la viande de dinde but training pants culot bement pc fade alert training pants or pc nighttime underwear selected varieties pc 1x wipes unscented or scented tech scented baby wipes sleepovers bon sommeil cari unscented rary wipes so many messes so many wipes pc® baby wipes aren't just for baby bottoms! these wipes are soft enough to clean your baby's delicate to clean messes all around multi unscented baby wipes pcⓡ 3x wipes scented or unscented lingettes pour béb non parfumées plutscheine pc 6x wipes scented or unscented unscented baby wipes