TSC Stores Flyer - 05/19-05/26/2022 (Page 9)

TSC Stores Flyer - 05/19-05/26/2022 (Page 9)
save $4 save $5 wildclogy earna earn a free bag after buying 10 buying 10 wildeles cat chow cat food 8kg antioxidants help support immune health 25 essential vitamins & minerals cat wildology chicken & turkey cat food 6.8kg to keep your pets strong & healthy peavey country rewards card required to earn your free bag save harvest goodness dog food 18kg leap earn a free bag after buying 12 save $2 nutrience earna canada free bag after peavey country rewards card required to earn your free bag buying 12 nutrience care+ cat food all 5 formulations are prepared with fresh protein care as the first ingredient peavey country rewards card required to earn your free bog for dogs under new news moderate work regimes purina yesterday's news cat litter dry dog food irriture seche pius cae absorbent than clay 99.7% dust free tough on odors yesterday news harvest harvest peavey country rewards card required to earn your free bag save $3 save $8 propl blue buffalo cat food 3.2kg nutritionally balanced pro plan cat food 7.26kg rich in antioxidants to support a healthy immune system made in canada save $2 earna scotts save $5 save $5 sunnys save $8 turtle mountain's fired bag sunnys buying 12 stripe sunflower tournesol stre songbird songbird seed with corn 3.6kg peavey country rewards card required fo earn your free bog mixed sunflower bird seed 9.07kg wide variety of wild birds striped sunflower bird seed 13.6kg great for winter birds sunflower kernel bird seed 3.18kg attracts gold finches peavey country rewards card required to earn your free bag peavey country rewards card required to earn your free bag save $3 wildclogy save $5 loyall || save $3#cañada nutrience save $5 & houses assorted options available wildology dog loyall dog nutrient-rich super foods & antioxidants support professional performance whole body health & or senior the immune system swim chucky save 15% save 15% throw & fetch dog toys assorted styles available pito nutrience care+ blue buffalo designed to promote good dental & oral health for enhanced with <blue your dog vitamins & minerals "discount applies to regular priced items only vitalil save $50 sps stephens save 40% single door kennel crates gold series kennel variety of sizes to best suit your assembly required pets needs wiadite duck tenders duck all natural tuff brils vitallife 100% duck dog treats 200g feed your much-loved furry friends with healthy & delicious dog treats that tastes as good as they sound pick up your peavey country earn free bags of feed & food! rewards