Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/12/01-2020/02/29 (Page 44)

Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/12/01-2020/02/29 (Page 44)

Products in this catalogue

summer bites & stings bee prepared for summer by sandie cormie creatures that encourages them to ask questions first because some creatures are better viewed from a safe distance! "he enjoyment of summer is not manner of creatures emerge to expecting to be disturbed by the most to defence mode and send us packing with a painful reminder to leave them in peace reactions to bites and stings vary is dependent on the age of the person whether they've been bitten or stung before and the species that inflicted pronounced in children are the most likely to stick their fingers into interesting holes in the sand or approach something unusual or attempt to pick up things that they've • 4 packs of sterile gauze • adhesive bandages in several sizes • 2 triangular elastic bandages and 1 small • 2 large and 2 small sterile dressings • 2 sterile eye dressings · 2 eye pads with bandages 1 pack of sterile cotton wool swabs • assorted plasters • antiseptic wipes antibiotic cream • 1 pack of paracetamol tablets including liquid paracetamol • rehydration sachets • tweezers • sharp scissors • 6 safety pins • face cloth • thermometer 2 pairs of latex gloves • torch and spare batteries • list of emergency contact numbers e.g paediatrician sickness pills and calamine lotion are also recommended