Terry White Catalogue - 23/06-11/07/2023 (Page 24)

Terry White Catalogue - 23/06-11/07/2023 (Page 24)
we care for the skin you're in saliva evaporates it just dries out your lips more balm with a clean toothbrush хххх around the mouth try it! tend to forget to apply lip balm? try pairing it with other hopping in the car or brushing it more likely you'll remember! cold sore no-no's cold sores are very contagious - definitely not a time to overshare! dab it! apply cream to a cold sore by dabbing gently rather than rubbing it in this helps prevent against cracking find out more about cold sores besides the tell-tale cold ● ● fever nausea ● headaches mouth pain and swelling sore throat or swollen glands dehydration terrywhite chemmart cold sore cream for the treatment of cold sores use when you get the first tingle austavl keep out of reach of children terrywhite chemmart cold sore cream 59 you notice the first symptom the tingle stage terrywhite chemmart* cold sore cream 5g always read the label and follow the directions for use dermal™ therapy cold sore lysine gel shabat triple action relief for cold sores topical clear gel triple action relief dermal theraby cold sore lysine+ gel triple action relief for cold aust l3 dermal therapy* cold sore lysine+ gel 5g always read the label and follow the directions for use